Recruiter - FREE
For startups or solopreneurs
  • Quota limit:
    Open jobs: 1
    All jobs: 3
    Contacts: 250
  • Manage complete application work flow of these job requisitions opened at once. Additionally closed or archived jobs can always be managed.
    Build and manage your own internal talent pool.
Recruiter - BASIC
For small companies
25,- *
as monthly subscription (cancel any time) or as package ending automatically
  • Quota limit:
    Open jobs: 3
    All jobs: 30
    Contacts: 1000
  • Manage complete application work flow of these job requisitions opened at once. Additionally closed or archived jobs can always be managed.
    Build and manage your own internal talent pool.
  • As monthly subscription (cancel any time)
    or as 3/6/12 months package.
Recruiter - PLUS
For SMEs (constantly recruiting)
49,- *
as monthly subscription (cancel any time) or as package ending automatically
  • Quota limit:
    Open jobs: 30
    All jobs: 100
    Contacts: 25000
  • Manage complete application work flow of these job requisitions opened at once. Additionally closed or archived jobs can always be managed.
    Build and manage your own internal talent pool.
  • As monthly subscription (cancel any time)
    or as 3/6/12 months package.
Recruiter - PREMIUM
For HR agencies or large companies
75,- *
as monthly subscription (cancel any time) or as package ending automatically
  • Quota limit:
    Open jobs: 100
    All jobs: 500
    Contacts: 100000
  • Manage complete application work flow of these job requisitions opened at once. Additionally closed or archived jobs can always be managed.
    Build and manage your own internal talent pool.
  • As monthly subscription (cancel any time)
    or as 3/6/12 months package.

If you don't like it, you can delete the account easily.

*) ... All prices are exclusive VAT where not otherwise stated.